Spring has sprung!
Looking to clean out some old belongings and make a few bucks?
Need a new piece for your home?
Or just want to enjoy this great weather with neighbors and friends?
Then, join the Hamilton Terrace Board Association for a Stoop/Sidewalk Sale and Neighbor Get-Together.
The date will be May 6th from 1pm to 5pm.
Bring a refreshment and whatever you'd like to sell to 53 and 63 Hamilton Terrace where neighbors can hang out and shop your neighbors' goodies. Or feel free to set up in front of your own home, too. Please share our calendar event with your friends and neighbors.
HTBA is also accepting donation items from neighbors to sell. We will add all profits to the Block's annual budget. Please contact board@hamilton-terrace.nyc to donate.
See you out on the Block!
