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Hi Neighbor Day Volunteers Needed

Dear Neighrbors,

Hi Neighbor Day! (our annual block party; food, drinks, music, games, and more) is scheduled for Sept. 30th, and the Board of the Hamilton Terrace Block Association is looking for volunteers for “coordinator” positions (i.e., Food and Drink; Set-up; Clean-up; Games). But we haven’t gotten any so far, and we need to fill those four positions by August 1st.

These coordinator roles are meant to be pretty light, just the point-person for other volunteers. For example, the “Clean-up coordinator” isn’t responsible for the entire clean up but just finding enough people to pitch in so that it’s a quick, painless process. Harry Marte is the board’s Events Chair, and so he’ll give you direction and support.

By trying a “Many hands make light work” approach this year, the board hopes to keep the Hi Neighbor Day! tradition alive and preventing the beloved event from fizzling out. But given that this event depends entirely on volunteers, the neighborhood needs just a few people to pitch in to make it happen.

If you have any question, feel free to reach out to “"

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