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New Code of Conduct for Filming on the Block

The Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) created a new Code of Conduct, which applies to all cast and crew working on location on NYC public property. The language is copied and pasted below:


Permittee must distribute this Code of Conduct to all cast and crew working on location on NYC public property. Permittee, including cast and crew, must comply with this Code of Conduct, the Film Permit, and all laws, including 43 RCNY Chap. 9. Violations may result in suspension or revocation of a Film Permit by OFTB or NYPD or denial of a Film Permit application.


1. Community Notification: (a) If the Film Permit authorizes held parking, Permittee must notify the relevant

community board, City Council Member, and any known block and merchant associations about the filming activity at least 48 hours before the earliest date and time on the Film Permit -OR- (b) if Permittee is not holding parking, Permittee must notify any affected residential buildings and businesses. Notification may be by email, letter, or telephone and must include the following:

• The name and contact information of Permittee (including the name and office telephone number of the production company and the name and cell number of the location manager, production manager, or other crew member with authority to resolve community inquiries); and

• The date and start and end times of the Film Permit (including prep and wrap).

2. Posting Requirement: If the Film Permit authorizes held parking, Permittee must post notification letters within

the permitted footprint at least 48 hours before the earliest date and time on the Film Permit to notify businesses

and residents of the (a) bulleted items in section A.1, and (b) list of streets where Permittee will be holding parking.

3. No Parking Signs: If the Film Permit authorizes held parking and does not authorize towing, Permittee must post

“No Parking” signs, using the OFTB template, at least 48 hours before the date and time on the Film Permit.

4. Towing Signs: If the Film Permit authorizes towing, Permittee must post “Vehicular Towing Unit No Parking” signs, using the OFTB template, before the last time someone could have legally parked before the date and time on the

Film Permit.

5. Manner of Posting: Permittee may post notices on poles, trees, and other similar City-owned structures in the

permitted footprint. If Permittee posts notices on trees, elastic bands or string must be used; tape is prohibited. Permittee must remove all signs, including tape, upon completion of the Film Permit.


1. Towing: Permittee must not tow or move a vehicle unless it is authorized by the Film Permit. Only the NYPD

Vehicular Towing Unit (VTU) may tow.

2. Held Parking: Permittee must not hold on-street parking unless it is authorized by the Film Permit. When holding

parking, Permittee should ensure that locations departments and parking production assistants (P.A.s) are sensitive to neighborhood needs for parking and minimize the use of on-street parking to the extent possible. Permittee must not hold on-street parking more than 24 hours prior to the earliest date and time on the Film Permit. Permittee must not impede access (including deliveries and short-term parking) to businesses and residential buildings while holding parking.

3. Oversized Vehicles: Permittee must obtain an over-dimensional vehicle permit for vehicles exceeding the size and weight restrictions of the NYC Department of Transportation.

4. Crew Vehicles: Cast and crew must not park personal vehicles within the permitted footprint.

5. Parking Footprint: Permittee must not park (a) in front of a fire hydrant, in a bicycle lane, or in front of an active theater marquee; (b) in a bus stop, in front of a loading dock, in or in front of a driveway, except with permission of the applicable party and as noted on the Film Permit; and (c) a catering truck or honeywagon in front of a restaurant while it is open. Permittee should not park a generator truck or a camper with a running generator in front of residential buildings. If Permittee will be filming at a location for multiple days, Permittee should find

nearby lots to park non-essential vehicles.

6. Arrival Time: Permittee’s production vehicles must not enter a residential location prior to 6:00 a.m. Permittee’s

production vehicles may enter non-residential locations before 6:00 a.m. only if expressly authorized by the Film

Permit. Permittee should turn off vehicle engines as soon as possible and must not violate applicable idling laws.

7. Campers: Permittee must ensure that all campers are tied-in and powered from one source.


1. Vehicular Traffic: Permittee may not intermittently hold or redirect vehicular traffic unless it is authorized by the

Film Permit and supervised by an NYPD Movie/TV Unit officer. Only traffic agents and/or crew members with a flagger certification may assist with intermittent traffic control under the supervision of the NYPD Movie/TV Unit. Permittee must maintain an emergency traffic lane of at least 13.5 feet wide at all times.

2. Pedestrians: Permittee must ensure safe pedestrian passage through and around the location at all times. When cameras are not rolling, Permittee must allow pedestrians to walk along any city sidewalk or pedestrian path and must not prevent access to any building. Permittee must not allow crew members to congregate in pedestrian passageways.

3. Equipment: Permittee (a) must cover cables with mats and/or yellow jackets, (b) keep equipment curbside or in curb lanes (If the Film Permit authorizes held parking), (c) may keep equipment in front of only those buildings that are working directly with the Permittee, and (d) must not stage equipment in front of closed storefronts without permission of the store.

4. Private Property: Permittee must not (a) block access to residences or businesses, (b) trespass onto private property, including stoops, and (c) impede deliveries.

5. Generators: Generators with excessive noise or fumes must be baffled with fireproof/non-flammable material.

6. Pyro: The use of pyrotechnics, fire effects, and explosions, including simulated smoke and smoke effects (including

propane or open flames) is allowed only by permission of the FDNY Explosives Unit and OFTB.

7. Animals: Permittee may not possess a wild or exotic animal on location without an animal exhibit permit from the

NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Handlers must always accompany animals.


1. Neighborhoods: Permittee should familiarize itself with the neighborhood where it is filming/photographing and

be considerate of schools, senior centers, hospitals, funeral homes, churches, synagogues, mosques, and other

houses of worship, and other sensitive facilities.

2. Permit Viewing: Permittee must allow the public to view the Film Permit upon request at the location.

3. Identification: All crew members, including parking P.A.s, must wear and display I.D. badges at all times. In addition

to I.D. badges, parking P.A.s should wear production identifying safety vests.

4. Courtesy: Cast and crew, including parking P.A.s, must refrain from the use of aggressive or physically threatening

behavior when interacting with the general public. Cast and crew should be polite and respectful and must not

impede access to businesses and residences.

5. Food Services: Permittee must have no sit-down, catered meals on public streets or sidewalks. Catered meals must

be served and consumed at interior locations. Permittee must not barbeque on location. Permittee must properly dispose of all trash upon completion of a meal utilizing a hired carting service. Craft service tents are permitted in curb lanes only, not on sidewalks, unless specified on the Film Permit.

6. Noise and Light: Permittee must (a) keep noise to a minimum before 8:00 a.m. and after 10:00 p.m.; (b) not fire an exterior gunshot before 10:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. in a residential neighborhood; and (c) provide blackout material to residents’ windows for shoots with exterior lighting after sunset.

7. Trees: Removing, altering, trimming and/or cutting of vegetation or trees without the permission of the appropriate Forestry Office of the NYC Parks Dept., or any other agency with jurisdiction, is prohibited.

8. Street Signs: No street signs, lights, or any other permanent street structure may be removed or altered without the prior approval of the NYC Dept. of Transportation or other agency charged with maintaining such structures and must be requested with the appropriate permissions on the Film Permit.

9. Clean Up: Permittee must clean up promptly after the production activity and make a clean sweep of the location to ensure that nothing is left behind, including equipment, notification letters, and No Parking/Towing signs (and tape) that Permittee posted. Permittee must not use Dept. of Sanitation tr

ash cans at the location nor leave trash bags among residential or business trash. Permittee may leave bagged trash at curbside for up to 12 hours for a private carting company if the trash bags are bundled and include an identifying label (or the template provided by OFTB), but Permittee must not leave biohazard waste (including personal protective equipment) at the location.

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